29 Nov 2018
The government is committed to simplifying and speeding up the planning system, to support the high street, make effective use of land and deliver more homes.
Building on existing planning reforms, the government is consulting on proposals that will allow greater change of use to support high streets to adapt and diversify, support extending existing buildings upwards to create additional homes, and speed up the delivery of new homes.
The consultation includes separate proposals in respect of:
15 Mar 2018
ARP delighted to announce that planning permission has been granted by the Secretary of State for 348 dwellings and the redevelopment of Oaklands College’s campus in the St Albans Green Belt.
In September 2013, ARP on behalf of Taylor Wimpey and alongside the College’s advisors, VRG Planning, prepared and submitted a full planning application for 348 new homes as enabling for the redevelopment of the College’s St Albans Campus to provide new and refurbished buildings. Notwithstanding extensive pre-application consultation with St Albans City and District Council (SACDC), statutory consultees and public engagement exercise, the application was refused by SACDC but following a Public Inquiry planning permission was granted by the Secretary of State in October 2017 who agreed with his Inspector, Philip Ware, that the much-needed improvements to the college and the special educational benefit offered by the proposals can only be delivered with the housing development. The Secretary of State recognised the important role Oaklands College plays as the main provider of further education in the District and the very poor quality of its existing buildings unsuited to the provision of the high standard of education it provides concluding that “Overall, there are persuasive material considerations which warrant a decision other than in accordance with the development plan” (SoS Para 40) and that “the considerations summarised above clearly outweigh the harm to the Green Belt and the limited harm to the character and appearance of the area, thereby justifying the proposal on the basis of very special circumstances” (SoS Para 39).
This long-awaited and much welcomed decision will enable the provision of a 21st century college that will afford students the best possible opportunities to develop and excel in their chosen fields, together with a substantial amount of new housing in an area of acute need.
01 Aug 2017
We are currently revising the NPPF in order to implement our planning reform package from the housing White Paper, the Planning for the right homes in the right places consultation and the announcements at Autumn Budget. We intend to publish a draft revised NPPF before Easter. We will consult on both new policies from the Budget, and the text of the Framework, to make sure the wording is clear, consistent and well-understood. Our ambition is to publish a final revised Framework in the summer.
In our Planning for the right homes in the right places consultation in September we set out that the new standardised method should be used, unless the plan will be submitted for examination on or before 31 March 2018, or before the revised Framework is published (whichever is later). In light of the timetable set out above these transitional arrangements will apply to any plans submitted before the final revised Framework is published.
On the 24 January, Parliament considered regulations amending Regulation 128A of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations. Subject to final parliamentary approval, these regulations are expected to be formally made and come into force in February. During consideration, Dominic Raab, Minister for Housing and Planning, made clear that the amendment was intended to provide legal certainty in line with the Government