Site: Land at Breakspear Farm, Beare Green, Mole Valley
Client: Oakford Homes
On behalf of Oakford Homes, ARP has led the promotion of an approximate 3.5ha site within the Mole Valley Green Belt at the village of Beare Green (lying within Capel Parish).
ARP first became involve with the site in early 2018, advising Oakford Homes of its strong development potential due to (amongst other reasons) the clear support offered to its development by Capel Parish Council, in an early iteration of its neighbourhood plan. At this stage it also represented an emerging option for allocation in the Green Belt within the background evidence of the Future Mole Valley Local Plan. The Green Belt review concluded on it positively and follow-up comments were sought as part of a more focused site-specific local plan consultation. Accordingly, successful representations were made to the Council that secured the site as a draft allocation in the first Regulation 18 plan.
This position was, however, placed in jeopardy as Mole Valley District Council sought to significantly reduce the number of Green Belt sites to be included in its local plan. ARP continued to make a strong case for its inclusion, including attendance of the Examination in Public, securing its retention in the final version for adoption.
All the while ARP and Oakford Homes have liaised closely with Capel Parish Council, essentially working in partnership to deliver a development that has long been one of the ambitions of the community – one which provides critically needed smaller homes and affordable housing in an area characterised by low completion rates and rising costs.
It is now anticipated that the plan will be adopted before the end of 2024 including the site for 46 dwellings with a full application to follow shortly afterwards.