Site: Land in Elmswell, Suffolk
Client: Orbit Homes
On behalf of Orbit Homes, ARP secured reserved matters consent for 65 dwellings on this derelict brownfield site in May 2023. The development is a second phase to a development of 190 dwellings constructed by Taylor Wimpey.
The outline planning permission secured a two phase development, with the first phase comprising the remediation of contaminated land on the site and the second phase the residential development. The only available construction access is through the recently completed Taylor Wimpey development and as such a key consideration for Councillors at Planning Committee was the mitigation of construction impacts on residential amenity. ARP successfully navigated this issue through the preparation and submission of a detailed Construction Management Plan (CMP). The CMP was submitted under a separate planning condition to run alongside the reserved matters application allowing members to approve the reserved matters with confidence that a detailed plan for construction was already in place.
In addition to securing reserved matters consent, ARP has worked with Orbit Homes to ensure the timely discharge of planning conditions and S106 obligations, allowing a smooth transition from planning to the initial remediation of the site and the subsequent delivery of much needed new homes.