Ford Road, Arundel

Site: Former Electricity Sub-Station, Ford Road, Arundel

Client: Oakford Homes

Ford Road, Arundel

On behalf of Oakford Homes, ARP was pleased to secure full planning consent for the delivery of 38 modern and stylish apartments at a desirable riverside location at the heart of one of Sussex’s prettiest towns.

The project has been a long running one, beginning with representations towards the Arundel Neighbourhood Plan in 2018 to secure the allocation of the site, followed by a successful planning application resulting in consent in 2020, through to the submission of a variety of non-material amendments (NMAs) and discharge of condition applications into 2024.

Whilst the apartments have been delivered on land allocated in the Arundel Neighbourhood Plan, thus establishing the principle of development, the project remained a challenging one. As the site comprises a former industrial use lying in the floodplain of the River Arun the application was complicated by a series of objections from the Lead Local Floor Authority on the grounds of the flooding exception test and the necessity to provide an innovative fully integrated drainage scheme. This involved several detailed meetings with drainage engineers from both sides to resolve the matter prior to the grant of full planning consent.

Even the discharge of condition applications were complex – a substantial suite of information had to be provided in respect of remediation and flood risk measures that saw discussions with technical consultees continue long past the grant of planning permission.

ARP are pleased to now confirm that all conditions have been discharged and construction work is now proceeding at pace.