Site: Various sites
Client: Various clients
Following their introduction under the Localism Act in 2011, local communities now have the ability to shape the development that takes place in their area by producing Neighbourhood Plans which, once ‘made,’ form part of an area’s development plan and are used in the consideration of planning applications. Neighbourhood Plans are becoming ever popular, with additional Government funding recently announced. In February 2019, the 750th successful neighbourhood planning referendum took place.
Based upon our experience across a number of Neighbourhood Plan areas, ARP has a solid understanding of community-led planning and is able to advise on all aspects of Neighbourhood Plan involvement. We are currently seeking to maximise the development potential of a number of our clients’ sites through their promotion for allocation in emerging Neighbourhood Plans. As part of this service we offer representation at local meetings, ongoing liaison and detailed submissions towards all stages of consultation and attendance at Neighbourhood Plan Examinations.
Site: Land to the east of Hunstanton Road and west of the A149, Heacham, Norfolk
Client: Mel Able Farming Ltd/Westmere Homes
King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council is currently preparing a Local Plan Review which identifies a requirement for the emerging Heacham Neighbourhood Plan to allocate sites in the village for 30 dwellings. We are using this opportunity to promote our client’s site as a deliverable and sustainable option for a residential development of approximately 25 dwellings. Following ongoing liaison with the Neighbourhood Plan team and detailed submissions made, the site has been confirmed to be a preferred option for allocation in the Neighbourhood Plan.
Site: Various sites in Beyton, Suffolk
Client: Manor Oak Homes
The emerging Mid Suffolk and Babergh Joint Local Plan identifies Beyton as a Hinterland Village which is expected to accommodate a small proportion of the District’s future housing growth. The Beyton Neighbourhood Plan is at an early stage with the plan area having been designated in March 2019. With this in mind ARP made contact with the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group at an early stage to promote three sites, as part of a wider land interest and put them forward to the Call for Sites. ARP will continue to work positively and collaboratively with the Steering Group as the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan progresses to maximise the exposure of the sites.