The Kibworths, Leicestershire

Site: Various

Client: Manor Oak Homes

The Kibworths, Leicestershire

ARP have worked with Manor Oak Homes to promote land for development and secure planning permission on several sites in Kibworth over many years. This has included securing planning permission for 181 homes, 11,368m² of commercial/industrial floorspace, 882m² of office floorspace and 294m² of retail floorspace.

The successful planning strategy for these applications involved promoting large areas of land surrounding the Kibworths as a Sustainable Development Area (SDA) through Harborough District Council’s emerging Local Plan at the same time as submitting planning applications to take advantage of the Council’s lack of 5 year housing land supply and shortage in employment land. Through this strategy we secured planning consents for a large proportion of the proposed SDA ahead of the lengthy local plan process. We are now working with Harborough District Council on their Local Plan review with a view to securing an allocation for approximately 400 residential dwellings and potentially a new primary school on the remainder of the promoted SDA.


Land to the South and West of Priory Business Park, Wistow Road, Kibworth Harcourt

ARP secured outline planning permission (Ref: 16/00286/OUT) for up to 11,368mof commercial/industrial floorspace, up to 882mof office floorspace and up to 294m2 of retail floorspace in November 2016 on this greenfield site adjoining the settlement boundary.

Land to the south-east of Warwick Road, Kibworth Beauchamp

ARP secured outline planning permission (Ref: 15/01153/OUT) for 110 dwellings at appeal in December 2016 on this greenfield site adjoining the settlement boundary.